They started some Storylines back in 2013 and never finished them or even tied up the lose ends. And some Storylines the AQW Dev's start and just forget about and never finish. But it'd be nice to see big storylines more often. And it takes less then 5 mins to complete most storylines since they make short stories every week since that's just what AQW does. If they made better stories maybe people would come back.

The AQW Devs lost their touch in telling Stories in this game. But back in 2010-2013 it was during the Chaos Saga and during the Dage vs Nulgath Wars. Do I still say AQW is a good game? As of today No. (But this is usually common in most MMO's) but it's usually worse on AQW since mostly 4,000 people or so play this game so you run into bullies more often in AQW then you do in other MMO's. And the people who are high level and have rare items and ingame membership usually make fun of new players. Otherwise I'd say this game is still alright. AQW lost it's touch when it comes to story telling after the Chaos Saga ended. I used to play this game during 2013 when this game was at it's peak it used to have 8,000 to 10,000 people on at best. And in most of the rooms in the game people are usually afking (away from keyboard) or cheating by botting in the quests. Why? As of now there's probably 4,000 people or so on the game's servers at best and that's just during peak hours.