I’ve done painted brick before and I really wanted to do something different and more interesting. However, we couldn’t quite figure out what we wanted to do. We had talked about doing a fireplace makeover for a long time. It seemed like a very ugly waste of space, TBH. It’s literally 12 feet long across, without any bookshelves or anything to break up the brick. Not only was the brick an icky, sickly color, but the fireplace is MASSIVE. We’ve worked really hard to create a certain Cali-casual vibe in our home, and while the rest of the living room definitely falls in line with that, our outdated, fireplace did not. Third, our fireplace is literally the first thing you see when you open the front door. I have an upcoming post showing how we did it! I’m not saying everyone needs to remove their hearth, but I had an opportunity to do so and took it. It’s like a magnet for Lily-she wants to climb on it, play with it, try to slide down it, and inevitably bang her little head into it. Secondly, the DIY fireplace makeover let me check a major babyproofing item off my list-remove the hearth. Particularly, I got to try my hand at Modern Masters Venetian Plaster (more on that in a second!).

First, this project allowed me to partner with one of my favorite brands, Modern Masters. This one was especially exciting to me for three reasons. This post is sponsored by Modern Masters.